Holiday Fit Tips for Real People

Are you sick of the unrealistic, "avoid the dessert table" tips this holiday season? So are we.

holiday partyHoliday party photo via Shutterstock

We’ve all heard the same old tips on how to stay fit this holiday season. Don’t pig out. Drink water. Get enough sleep. Avoid alcohol. Increase your workouts. Blah, blah, blah. Well you know what? Most of us are going to eat dessert. A lot of it. And we are going to have more than two drinks at the party. And we are going to have seconds…of everything. So here are some realistic tips on how to stay on track this holiday season, for real people, from Equinox Boston personal trainer, Brandon Kolar:

Maintain your normal workout routine. Those who work out four days a week should continue to work out four days a week. (If you only workout twice a week, stick with that. Be realistic and don’t put unwanted extra pressure on yourself. The holidays are stressful enough.)

Recruit a workout buddy. Pair up with someone who’s challenging and inspiring. Make sure it’s someone that’s hard to let down. (Or someone that will guilt you into going with them.)

Increase your tempo. Add in some whole body exercises, some circuits, or anaerobic cardio machine bursts. Increasing your tempo, just slightly, will burn more calories than your regular workout.

Eat before the party. Never attend a party hungry. Eating something healthy beforehand is the best way to avoid indulging during a festive night out. If you arrive at the party already full, you won’t overeat.

Set a curfew. Staying out later will make it much more tempting to consume more junk food and high calorie drinks.

Have fun. It’s okay to get out and have a good time during the holidays, especially after working so hard all year. Remember the long-term goals and forget about one moment of debauchery. The body looks at fuel intake on average. It’s okay to occasionally indulge. Don’t be thrown off by one splurge. It’s the effort made over a period of time that has improving effects on physique.

What are your tips for staying on track this holiday season?