Ad-ing Insult to Injury

You might have missed this, but there are some unfortunate full-page ads in today’s Globe and Herald. Both Modell’s (the sporting goods chain) and the Red Sox congratulate the Patriots on a “great” and “historic” season.

Both of which are technically true. Of course, after the way things went down last night, that’s hardly comforting for Pats fans.

First, the Modell’s ad, which runs along the inside of the Herald’s front and back page — a page that, on the opposite side, shows Tom Brady kneeling and dejected along with the words “Giant Letdown.”

Modell’s Congratulates The Kraft Family & The New England Patriots for a Great Season!

I’m sure the fact that Modell’s thinks the Pats had a terrific year will offset the region’s depression. Meanwhile, the Sox declaration feels equally hollow:

Historic…All season long you were a source of pride and inspiration. Your remarkable run will forever be remembered in the hearts of fans and the minds of opponents. We are proud of you; our brethren in sport, our neighbors, our friends. With admiration and respect from the Boston Red Sox.

The ads were obviously drafted well in advance of yesterday’s game. And they were written ambiguously — just in case the unthinkable came to pass. Still, given that the Pats lost last night, someone should have considered yanking any and all congratulations from the papers. Who wants to hear what a great season the Pats had when they were thisclose to immortality but couldn’t quite get there? And what good are 18 wins if your only loss comes in the final game?

ESPN’s Bill Simmons captured that feeling perfectly in his column today:

Can you guess the last thing we heard as we were walking (OK, hustling) out of the stadium right after the final play? That’s right, it was the sound of euphoric Giants fans chanting, “Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one!” Yes, it’s safe to say the Boston-New York rivalry has been taken to new heights. As a tennis umpire would say, “Advantage, New York.”

Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one! Eighteen and one!

I can still hear them. I will always hear them.