Holy Hell: Nicknaming the 2012 Boston Marathon

With temperatures expected to hit the mid 80s today, Boston Marathon organizers are encouraging racers to defer their entry to next year, out of fear of the heat. In 2007, the Chicago Marathon saw similar temperatures, resulting in 300 runners being picked up by ambulance — and one tragically dying — before race organizers finally stopped the race.

This isn’t, of course, the first scorching Boston Marathon. Back in 1909, the race earned the nickname “The Inferno” after the heat rose to 97 degrees; 1976, meanwhile, saw the 100-degree “Run For the Hoses,” with winner Jack Fultz earning a shower of garden hoses at the race.

With that in mind, dear reader, we’re hoping you’ll help us nickname this year’s race. Here are the current results from our nickname poll:

And here, you can vote: