One Last Shot: Trunk Show

Guests at this wedding saw a little more than just a ceremony.


When bride-to-be “Beth” (for obvious reasons, she’d prefer to stay anonymous) received a pair of “Sexy Little Bride” underwear at her Las Vegas bachelorette last winter, she immediately pulled them on over her jeans, strutted down the hotel hallway, and proclaimed them wedding-worthy. “I joked I’d have to show them off to my guests,” she says. The morning of her ceremony in York Harbor, Maine, her mother—aware of Beth’s fondness for the skivvies—implored her to consider her father’s cardiovascular wellbeing and refrain from mooning the crowd. Twelve hours, minimal food, and three glasses of cabernet later, the skirt came up. Thankfully, her father and young niece and nephew were nowhere to be found, but plenty of other friends and relatives got an eyeful. And while some jaws dropped, her new husband wasn’t fazed in the least. “He was off dancing and didn’t have a clue,” she says. “Not that he would have been surprised.”