Elizabeth Warren Clucks Like a Chicken to Taunt Donald Trump

Photo (Cropped) by Edward Kimmel on Flickr/Creative Commons
When Sen. Elizabeth Warren endorsed Hillary Clinton earlier this year, pundits speculated that she and her fiery, progressive rhetoric would serve as the Democratic nominee’s attack dog. But with just a few weeks left in a presidential campaign that’s more closely resembled a Hunter S. Thompson night terror, Warren has taken on the role of attack… poultry.
“He’s been talking and talking about how the game is rigged,” Warren said of Donald Trump at a rally in Denver, after the Republican nominee repeatedly claimed the November 8 election would be subject to widespread voter fraud. “He’s right. The game is rigged. It’s rigged for the Donald Trumps and billionaires of the world, and we’re here to fight back.”
When the subject turned to the topic of Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to disclose, the Massachusetts senator dialed up the heat.
“And now, Donald Trump—the big, brave Donald Trump—is too chicken to release his tax returns,” Warren said. “Buuuuck-buck-buck-buck-buck.”
Just 21 days to go, people. Keep it together.