November Project Is Trying to Recruit David Ortiz

Photo via AP
November Project‘s claim to fame, aside from year-round, all-weather free fitness, is that it’s open to everybody. That means it welcomes people of all fitness levels, from somebody who’s never run a mile all the way up to professional athletes. Former Bruin Andrew Ference was a mainstay at November Project workouts, and soon, the group is hoping to say the same of David Ortiz.
Now that Big Papi has officially retired, the grassroots fitness movement is angling to become the ex-Red Sox’s new club of choice. The tribe is pushing hard for Ortiz to join its early-morning workouts, which include Monday circuit training, Wednesday Harvard Stadium runs, and Friday slogs up and down the Summit Avenue hill.
“Guys. We’re recruiting David F. Ortiz. He’s going to show up any day now,” coleader Chris Payne wrote on the group’s blog. In the next post, fellow coleader Emily Saul urged members to recruit Ortiz on social media, because “he’s cool AF and so is NP.” The tribe has also promised to take its customary post-workout group photo in Harvard Stadium’s section 34 every Wednesday until Ortiz shows up.
One should never underestimate the power of social media peer pressure, but November Project could be waiting a while for an Ortiz cameo. We’ve got nothing but love for Big Papi, but let’s be real: Running was never his strong suit. And if his Instagram is any indication, he’s looking forward to a nice, quiet, Harvard Stadium-free retirement.
November Project Boston’s sights may be set high, but luring Ortiz is likely more attainable than the recruiting effort underway at November Project D.C.: That tribe is working on wooing Michelle Obama. Good luck to all.