Mark Your Calendar for the Wanderlust Yoga Festival
The 5k, yoga, and meditation retreat returns to the DCR Hatch Shell on the Esplanade August 17.

Photo credit Julianne Lesinski
It’s that time of year again to start planning beach weekends, trips to the islands, and strategic visits to the city’s many beer gardens so you can be sure to hit them all. But don’t forget that the summer is also filled with many outdoor fitness festivals. And this one is going to be good.
Wanderlust returns to Boston on August 17 and August 18 at the DCR Hatch Shell on the Esplanade for two full days of running, yoga, and meditation. The festival, which stops at different cities throughout the country, is coined as a mindful triathlon. Unlike a regular triathlon which encompasses running, swimming, and biking this one includes running, yoga, and meditation.
The Boston event kicks off with a pre-run stretch and warm-up at the Hatch Shell before the group takes off for a 5k fun run along the Charles River. The day will be organized and led by Brogan Graham, co-founder of the November Project who will let you know when it’s time to switch from activity to activity. Afterwards, you have the opportunity to mingle with friends or walk through the Kula Market set up with healthy food vendors giving away free samples and retailers selling clothing and yoga accessories.
When everyone has reached the finish line it’s time to settle onto your yoga mat for 75-minutes of yoga to a live DJ. The yoga class will be instructed by Graham’s wife, Goldie Graham who used to live and teach in Boston at Back Bay Yoga for nearly a decade. When bliss has been found you’ll be guided through 25-minutes of meditation with Davidji, a globally recognized mind, body, health, and wellness expert.
And as if those three events weren’t enough, when all is said and done you have the option to sign up for additional activities like aerial or acro yoga and tarot card readings. General admission tickets are on sale now for just the triathlon portion or a premium package is available for tickets granting you exclusive access to extra activities and lunch.
$26-$150, August 17-18, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m., DCR Hatch Memorial Shell, 47 David G Mugar Way, Boston, For more information on all Wanderlust festivals: