Daily Feed

Death Certificates Provide Story of Life for OD Victims in South Shore: Years of death certificates from Quincy, Braintree, and Weymouth support the notion that opiate addiction is not strongly linked to age, gender or lot in life. [Patriotledger.com]

Gonzo: Boston Fans ‘Obnoxious, Arrogant, Condescending’: But it’s only because we’ve won seven major-league titles since 2002, compared to Philly’s one. [Philadelphia Inquirer]

Nike Pulls T-Shirts in Newbury Street Storefront After Faceoff with Menino: Nike decided to pull its suggestive T-shirts after the mayor called the company out for sending the wrong message. We think the decision had more to do with this face than anything else. [WHDH.com]

Berklee Professor Recording Sounds of Cape Cod: No word on whether our pitch “Sounds from My Cubicle” will be the B-side. [CapeCodonline.com]

Vancouver Considering Face-Recognition Software to Catch Post-Cup Rioters: British Columbia’s public insurer proposes the use of Big Brother-style software to match culprits to their driver’s license database. Who knew the driver’s license photo was the new mug shot? [Vancouversun.com]