Guide to ArtWeek Boston: Can’t-Miss Exhibits, Open Houses, Parties, and Performances

Photo via Street Pianos Boston/Facebook
Think of ArtWeek Boston as a series of special events similar to Restaurant Week, except instead of feeding your tummy, you’ll feast your eyes on beautiful art instead. Produced by Citi Performing Arts Center and presented by the Highland Street Foundation (the same group that brought you 60 awesome Free Fun Fridays this summer), ArtWeek Boston offers audiences a curated collection of best of Boston’s arts, culture, and entertainment—all packed into (duh) one week.
This fall’s ArtWeek officially begins on Friday, but you may have already noticed one of the coolest components—Play Me, I’m Yours—set up around the city. Presented by the Celebrity Series of Boston, 75 decorative street pianos now wait at various locations for someone, anyone, maybe you, to play a little song for others within earshot.
Another can’t-miss activity is Boston Still Running, an interactive community art project that invites everyone in Boston to collaborate on art pieces that will eventually be matted, framed, and gifted to groups involved with Boston Marathon bombing relief. Materials are provided, and the project lasts all week long, so if you’ve been struggling for a way to express thanks to hospitals and law enforcement in the aftermath of the bombings, here’s a nice chance.
Also happening during ArtWeek are a few cultural events, including a celebration of Indian culture and rugmaking, Spanish opera performances, and Rhythm of Rajasthan at Johnny D’s.
Don’t let next week get away from you. Elitist art enthusiasts and amateur “that’s so cool” art fans alike should take full advantage of rare opportunities coming up during ArtWeek, like the Boston Ballet Open House. (If you missed their free ‘Night of Stars’ performance last weekend, check out our photo recap. The Boston Ballet is also featured in our current October issue.)
Finally, for the digitally oriented, ArtWeek brings us Boston Tech Jam (located in that thing people call the Innovation District) and Photorama, a celebration of art and photography for everyone from SLR and GoPro owners to iPhone and Instagram addicts.
ArtWeek Boston runs from Friday, September 27, through Sunday, October 6. For the full list of events, check out