Best of Boston
General Media/Politics
- Best Alternative to Depressing the Central Artery
- Best Columnist
- Best Columnist, Sports
- Best Critic, Entertainment, TV
- Best Critic, Television
- Best DJ, Radio
- Best Editor
- Best Elected Official
- Best Example of Red-baiting
- Best Ideas on Education
- Best Indication that Ray Flynn Still Lets His Public Relations Instincts Get the Better of His Judgment
- Best Moment, in Boston Journalism
- Best Political Nickname
- Best Radio, Jazz Show
- Best Radio, Morning Drive
- Best Radio, Public Service
- Best Radio, Station
- Best Reporter, Print
- Best TV, Anchor
- Best TV, Commentator
- Best TV, Commentator
- Best TV, Reporter
- Best TV, Sports Announcers
- Best TV, Sportscaster
- Best TV, Weather Caster