Best of Boston
General Media/Politics
- Best Anchor, Radio and TV
- Best Best of Times
- Best Bet, to Be Looking for a Job in the Private Sector After Campaign '90
- Best Better Half
- Best Campaign Event
- Best Campaign Nonevent
- Best Columnist, Sports, Print
- Best Critic, Entertainment, Radio and TV
- Best Critic, Press, Print
- Best Critic, Print
- Best DJ
- Best Example of Grace Under Blood Pressure
- Best Example of Killing Two Birds with One Press Conference
- Best Foot Forward
- Best Hangout, Local
- Best Intentions
- Best Kept Secret
- Best Moment
- Best New Face, Print
- Best Politician, City
- Best Politician, State
- Best Quote
- Best Quote, First Runner-Up
- Best Radio, Station
- Best Radio, Talk Show Host
- Best Reporter, Political, Print
- Best Reporter, Political, Television
- Best Reporter, Print
- Best Reporter, Radio and TV
- Best Running Mate
- Best Shot at Winning Democratic Nomination for Governor
- Best Shot at Winning Republication Nomination for Governor
- Best Spin Control
- Best Sportscaster, Radio and TV
- Best Sportswriter, Print
- Best Station, Radio and TV
- Best Times
- Best Weather Report, Radio and TV
- Best Wishes