Best of Boston

Best Neighborhood Restaurant, Chinatown

A lobster and scallion entree is plated on a dish with a blue border with a bird pattern on it. Sauteed greens and white rice are on the side, on separate plates.
2023 Best Neighborhood Restaurant, Chinatown

Peach Farm

At a moment when Chinatown’s borders are shrinking due to high-end development, this stalwart still thrives by serving neighbors, restaurant industry pros, and lovers of [...] read more»
2022 Best Neighborhood Restaurant, Chinatown

Q Restaurant

Chinatown is a cross-roads of cultures, and Q clearly understands the assignment: In one place, it offers people-pleasing Chinese classics like kung pao shrimp and [...] read more»
2021 Best Neighborhood Restaurant, Chinatown

Gourmet China House

One day, the Lyft-and-tunnel pilgrims lined up outside Chinatown institution Gourmet Dumpling House will discover that the Taiwanese and Sichuan eats are even better at [...] read more»