Wake Us When the Entwistle Trial Ends

1213110484So the trial of Neil Entwistle is happening after much debate about a tainted jury pool and bickering about a possible change of venue. In case you’ve been living under a rock, the 29-year-old British man is accused of killing his wife, Rachel, and his 9-month-old daughter, Lilian Rose, back in 2006.

Sure, Entwistle’s alleged addiction to sex and financial problems make for great headlines, but we find ourselves only skimming the articles about his predilections. Yesterday, a friend of Rachel Entwistle’s testified that the couple’s sex life had become less exciting. Of course it wasn’t what it used to be—they had an infant to care for.

We know we should be hanging on ever salacious detail, but we have to confess that we already have Entwistle fatigue.

Maybe it’s because we’ve already had a British baby-killer story in Massachusetts. Perhaps it’s because Entwistle fled the country after finding the dead bodies of his wife and daughter instead of staying in town to handle arrangements like most distraught husbands would. But despite all the elements of a great salacious trial, this just doesn’t ignite our passion for true crime.

Unless there’s some great twist, we’ll be watching reruns of Dateline until the verdict is handed down.