Health Headlines: Are Turkey Burgers Healthy?

Plus: Paul Pierce blogs fall recipes, why does everyone act so weird in conference rooms?, and more health and wellness headlines.

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Think that turkey burger is healthy? Think again. Turkey may be healthier than red meat, but the fat and calorie count can be identical. Want a better option? Go vegetarian. Preach!  []

Meditation curbs loneliness, according to natural health guru Dr. Andrew Weil, and a study at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. The study says that meditating can reduce feelings of loneliness in seniors, and by adding yoga and stretching, inflammation was also reduced.  [Dr. Weil]

Carbon Dioxide (CO2), the gas that we produce when we exhale, affects our decision-making, according to researchers from SUNY and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The surprising results say that poorly ventilated rooms filled with a lot of people (like a classroom or conference room with no open windows) can lead to our decision making ability being at a level of being drunk or having a head injury. So that’s the reason your colleague made that foolish decision last week.  [Prevention]

We can’t get enough apple or pumpkin recipes and, apparently, neither can Paul Pierce. His beloved Truth on Health blog has some creative ways to use apples and a recipe for a yummy pumpkin dip. Let’s hope an apple a day keeps Pierce healthy on the court this season.  [Truth on Heath]

Vegetarians and vegans live longer, between six and 10 years longer to be exact, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health. The study includes 96,000 people from the United States and Canada, and is midway to completion. Another interesting fact? Vegans are, on average, 30 pounds lighter than meat eaters. 30 pounds. That’s the size of a toddler, people.  [Loma Linda University]

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