Is City Running Bad for You?

Plus: How to be a good liar; marijuana addiction is real; and more health news.

Urban jogging is bad for you? That is really bad news considering Boston has a large population of city joggers. But a new study out of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium shows that people who live in a city and exercise outdoors have higher levels of inflammation and lower scores on cognitive tests than those who exercise outside in the suburbs. High levels air pollution levels prevented study participants from gaining the exercise-induced cognitive benefits. Study researchers offered tips to help, like run in the rain, because it will blow the fine particles away so you’re not left inhaling them. Also, avoid rush hour because the more cars on the road, the more pollution from exhaust fumes, and lastly, head to the park. The more trees between you and the road, the better. [Men’s Health]

It only takes 20 minutes to become a good liar, according to a new study out of Northwestern University. In a small study, researchers found that 20 minutes of practice makes telling lies as easy as telling the truth. So next time you think someone is lying, they probably are. Trust your gut. [Prevention]

It turns out you can be addicted to marijuana, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). About nine percent of people who use marijuana become dependent on it, according to the NIDA. The number increases to about one in six among those who start using it at a young age, and to 25 percent to 50 percent among daily users. Addicts can become quite ill when they try to quit. [USA Today]

There is a possible breakthrough in battling leukemia. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is using an experimental treatment to treat leukemia. It uses a disabled form of the virus that causes AIDS to reprogram the immune system genetically to kill cancer cells. A dozen patients with advanced leukemia have received the treatment. About half are in complete remission. [NY Times]

Just another reason to love dark chocolate, it can also reduce anxiety. [Cosmopolitan]