This Guy Filmed His Entire Tough Mudder Experience

From trail running to plunging into freezing cold water, a Peabody resident captured it all on film.

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Footage from the trek: Photo via

It was the hardest physical challenge that Scott Diefenbach has ever endured.

This past weekend, Diefenbach took on the task of crawling through mud puddles, climbing up ropes, and jogging up steep hills during the annual Tough Mudder challenge. “I played football and ran track in high school, [but] this was no joke. All the obstacles were tough and grueling,” he said, adding that they were also sort of fun.

Diefenbach first tried this type of physical challenge by participating in the Spartan Races last year, which he says is very similar to a Tough Mudder, but is only 3.2 miles, compared to the latter’s 12 mile expedition through a man-made obstacle course. “After the Spartan Race I was addicted and realized Tough Mudder was the next step.”

This time, Diefenbach decided to do something else different, too. He decided to attach a GoPro camera to his body and record his entire run through mud, over walls, and up hills, and post it online in a five part video series. Diefenbach, a Peabody resident, said before signing up for the Tough Mudder, he tried to watch YouTube videos and see what the courses were like so he would know what to expect. “I came across some amazing videos of people filming the entire race and was instantly convinced that if I did this I had to film the whole thing. Needless to say, the footage came out great and will definitely be a great memory,” he said.

To read more about the Tough Mudder, and what it takes to participate in this grueling test of one’s physical ability, check out this writer’s recent journey through Gunstock Mountain. 

Below, you can view Diefenbach’s trek through the obstacle course, as he completes the Tough Mudder with two of his close friends. Each video runs about 20-minutes long.

PART 1—Starting Line and Trail Running

PART 2—Trench Warfare

PART 3-Bale Bonds and “Share your wood.”

PART 4-Wall Blades and the “Arctic Enema”

Part 5-Warrior Carry and more Trail Running