A Giant Yogathon Is Coming to Gillette

Yogathon photo by Tracy Rodriguez
On May 1, roughly 1,000 yogis will namaste together at Gillette Stadium’s Empower Field House. And you thought your Saturday morning class was packed.
Gillette is hosting Yoga Reaches Out’s (YRO) New England Yogathon, an annual event that raises money for YRO-supported charities. This year, it’s the Wellness Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, which provides yoga, meditation, reiki, and other services to patients. The day includes more than four hours of yoga, music, performances, food, shopping, and fundraising.
Boston yoga instructor Rebecca Pacheco will serve as MC for the day, and renowned yogi and wellness personality Kathryn Budig will teach an afternoon class.
Participants can register individually or as a team here, but everybody who signs up must raise at least $250.
$250 fundraising minimum and $25 registration fee, 5/1, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. One Patriot Place, Foxboro, 508-655-1513, yogareachesout.org.