This Is What a Group Fitness Instructor Eats Before the Boston Marathon

For Ali Baldassare, carbo-loading is in full swing before Marathon Monday.

We don’t need to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In this series, we’re asking some of Boston’s top doctors, fitness pros, and dietitians for a sneak peek into their kitchens, so we can see what’s on their breakfast table.

Ali Baldassare

Ali Baldassare’s breakfast/Photo provided

Ali Baldassare

Claim to fame: Baldassare is the group fitness manager at Equinox, and the founder of fitness company Move Sweat Love. She’s also running her fourth Boston Marathon tomorrow.

What she ate: Plain almond milk yogurt with granola, almonds, blackberries, half a banana, and chia seeds; one piece of whole wheat flaxseed toast with almond butter and the other half of the banana; coffee; and water. 

Why she chose it: Most of my mornings begin super early, which doesn’t leave me a lot of time to prepare breakfast,” she says. “I’m also preparing to run the Boston Marathon [tomorrow], so I usually wake up starving. With the need to carb-load, my breakfast includes very little dairy, a lot of carbs, and a big focus on hydration. [I eat] blackberries and bananas for great carb options that add sweetness, chia seeds for omega fatty acids, almonds for healthy fat, granola and toast [for] my carb needs, and the almond butter [for] protein. I always pair breakfast with a cup of coffee with coconut milk, and a lot of water.”