How to Strike a Balance Between Fitness and Life

Shirazi, practicing what she preaches. / Photo by Lindsay Hite
Doing the most (verb): To try way too hard at life, sometimes to an embarrassing extent.
All of us are doing the most in some form. We work crazy hours, try to maintain a social life, and skimp on sleep as a result. On top of that, many of us obsess over exercising.
Perhaps you took a class yesterday and your body is aching, but you still feel like you should get your daily workout. Or maybe your friends are pushing you to go to another class with them, or an instructor is bugging you to come to an event because you’re always at everything. That’s likely to leave you physically and financially exhausted, draining your energy and your bank account as you shuttle between the gym, boutique classes, and events.
We glorify how busy we are, but when we miss a workout, we panic because we aren’t doing it all. Instead, let’s try to strike a balance. You may have to work through some uncomfortable feelings, such as resting—gasp!—to get there, but it will be worth it. Here’s how you can push past it.
1. Write it down. To avoid finding yourself exhausted by the middle of the week, or even by the end of the day, write your workouts in your calendar or planner so you can come to a manageable schedule. Try planning at least two or three hours in your week for rest—restorative work, yoga, reiki, massage, or even just relaxing with a book. Your body will thank you.
Try this for a week and adjust as needed. Remember that you aren’t weak for resting, and that everyone needs a different amount. By giving your body the right amount of rest, you are preparing yourself to crush your next workout. Sometimes, less is more, and you will definitely feel the power in slowing down.
2. Try new things. If the balance in your bank account is lower than the balance in your exercise regimen, we’ve got a problem. Fitness these days is so expensive, but there are ways around it. Not only is there a lot of free fitness in Boston, but smaller boutiques usually have starter packages that come with steep discounts. (This is something I’ve made a point to do at the Kick It pop-up studio.) Plus, change is so good for you. Try freezing your gym membership for a month and attending new, affordable classes around town. Your body and bank account will be richer for it.
If you are feeling tired and broken by the end of your week because of your fitness regimen, it’s time to make a change. Do the most in planning, saving, and investing in yourself, in the best way possible.