A Beginner’s Guide to Strength Training

Master the weight room with tips from Equinox's Kristy DiScipio.

5. Horizontal Pull (Dumbbell row)

How to do it: Stand to the right side of a weight bench. Rotate your right arm so your palm faces inward. Pretend you’re holding a weight in your hand. Place your left knee and your left hand on the bench for support. Let your right arm hang down and a bit forward. Engage your core and bend forward at the hips, until your back is parallel to the floor. Keep your right knee slightly bent, chin lifted off the chest and neck in line with your spine. Pull your right arm up until your elbow is pointing toward the sky, your upper arm is parallel to the floor, and your wrist brushes the outside of your ribcage. Slowly lower your arm back down to starting position. Alternate sides.