This Is What a CrossFit Trainer Eats for Breakfast

This long-time coach at CrossFit Boston Invictus doesn't mess around when it comes to his first meal.

We don’t need to tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In this series, we’re asking top doctors, fitness pros, and dietitians for a sneak peek into their kitchens, so we can see what’s on their breakfast tables.

Gino's breakfast

Image provided.

Claim to fame: 

From WOD’s to AMRAP’s and the infamous Open workouts, CrossFit is not for the faint of heart. It’s also why Gino Escalante, long-time coach of CrossFit Invictus Boston (formerly CrossFit Back Bay) doesn’t go light on his first meal of the day. Escalante coaches eight classes every day for six hours Monday-Thursday and fits in an hour and a half of his own training every day of the week except Friday. His workouts are an even split between gymnastics and weightlifting, with the goal to compete in a sprint triathlon in September. Coaches need to have goals of their own too, amiright?

What He Ate: 

Escalante says he’s a simple man and loves to cook, so when it comes to breakfast, he loads up on protein pancakes made with eggs, almond milk, flavored protein powder, butter, and the sweetener erythritol. He also has an egg and sriracha frittata which he makes in a big batch at the beginning of the week with a dozen eggs whisked with a bit of MCT oil and a dash of salt and dried basil. He pan fries the frittatas in small ramekins so he has individual servings for the week. And what’s breakfast without bacon? Escalante has a few slices of the breakfast meat favorite on the side, as well.

Why He Chose It: 

“Having my first meal be a proper one makes a massive difference in my energy and hunger levels throughout the rest of the day,” says Escalanate. “It’s hard to be on your feet all day and then work out hard without it, so starting off the day eating right goes a long way towards making sure my clients have great classes and I’m achieving my personal goals.”

That being said, he doesn’t like to work out on a full stomach and will usually wait until about 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. to relax and enjoy his first meal. He recommends that other people experiment with their own nutrition because what may work for one person might not work for someone else.

“I’ve been eating the same breakfast for years, because I know it suits me well,” he says. “I’m sure that others will disagree with my choices, but that is the point. It takes some trial and error, but the benefits of a bonafide breakfast are always worth the hassle.”