Norman Porter sits at a small table in a room at MCI?Cedar Junction. He's wearing a dark green prison uniform and, at 65, he's lean […]
The debate about where to go to dinner has become an unpleasant nightly ritual for Seth Lieberman and his wife, Julie. The Jamaica Plain couple […]
Patrick couldn't bring himself to walk to the library. It was a beautiful day with a warm sun and a soft, baby-blue sky. Who could […]
If the walls at the Midway Café in Jamaica Plain could talk, they'd probably slur. What passes for décor is a mismatched collection of secondhand […]
It was the blood that caught the attention of a passerby, a streak running down one side of the woman's face in a long red […]
The helicopter crew was eating dinner when the alarm sounded. An urgent voice came over the PA system at Air Station Cape Cod: “Get the […]
Jake Entwhistle's mother is losing her mind, his sister is on drugs in Reno, and his girlfriend died on a 9/11 airliner. Just as this […]
Our idea of a Boston Puritan is all black hats and scarlet letters, so this absorbing biography is a welcome correction. Samuel Sewall was one […]
All is well for children's illustrator Dannie Faber until a grotesque McMansion, complete with tower, is built next to her Truro bungalow. Then a mysterious […]
Given the crushing dominance of vodka in bars around this town, it’s easy to forget about rum. And no wonder. All summer it’s dumped into […]