March 2004 Issue


How the Red Sox front office reversed years of arrogance to finally make Fenway friendly.

Outside a shopping mall in Warwick, Rhode Island, the Red Sox bus is ready to roll. It's a gray Tuesday in January, Day 2 of […]

When Debi Greenberg took the reins at Louis Boston, she turned the long-loved retail institution on its head-and attracted a swell of local curiosity and criticism. Now, it is her radical vision and risk-taking personality that will make or break the stor

Debi Greenberg really does not want to be here. She’d rather be anywhere else, doing anything else, than talking about herself. For weeks, she feinted […]

A behind-the-scenes look at all th edrama as a lexington family creates a reality television show asbout the perils of renovating its Dutch Colonial.

Home renovation can be funny. But filming a reality TV show about your own family's home renovation isn't. I realized this when my wife burst […]

Why Boston is the best damn sports town in America. Period.

Byron Scott, the former New Jersey Nets coach and Los Angeles Lakers guard, has had plenty of experience with Boston fans. In an appearance on […]


Choosing the right wine shop is just as important as choosing the right bottle.

Near the very last sip of 2003, at the height of the holiday madness, two things happened in the wine world that signaled a new […]

Don’t be fooled by riesling’s sugary reputation. This white is more complex and food-friendly than you think.

It started out as a relaxed, civilized meal with five friends in the Soirée Room at UpStairs on the Square. Then the waiter gave us […]