Photos Lovin’ Spoonfuls Family Volunteer Event
Check out scenes from the December 14, 2019, event at Lovin' Spoonfuls.
On December 14, members of the Lovin’ Spoonfuls community gathered at their headquarters for a family volunteer event. Over 50 guests, including over 25 children, worked together to create holiday gift bags for four of Lovin’ Spoonfuls’ beneficiaries: Casa Nueva Vida, Waltham Boys & Girls Club, Respond, Inc., and Transition House. Families wrote holiday cards, decorated the gift bags, made scarves, and filled bags with toiletries for adults and craft items for kids. Lovin’ Spoonfuls is a nonprofit food rescue organization based in Boston that serves over 40 communities in Massachusetts.
Photography by Drea/13 Photography

Bekah Salwasser (Red Sox Foundation) creates holiday cards with her family.

Kids decorating homemade cookies.

Members of the Lovin’ Spoonfuls staff.

Linda Henry (The Boston Globe) and her daughter.

Over 80 gift bags going to Casa Nueva Vida, Respond, Inc., Waltham Boys & Girls Club and Transition House.

Post-Volunteering Group Shot.

Will Lucente, Sofia Lucente, Ashley Stanley (Founder and Executive Director of Lovin_ Spoonfuls), Rob Lucente (Peak Organic Brewing Co, Melissa Lucente.