Is Everybody On Vacation?

karl_rove.jpgWhen my alarm clock awakens me to the dulcet tones of NPR, I generally lay in bed for a minute to hear the weather and the headlines. This morning when Bob Oakes informed me that Karl Rove had announced his resignation effective August 31, the most coherent thought my pre-caffeinated brain could muster was “the blogosphere is going to have a field day with this.” And yet there is little jubilation in Boston’s huge blogosphere. In fact, there’s not much of a reaction at all.

Blue Mass Group mentions Rove’s resignation in its morning papers post.

At Media Nation, Dan Kennedy’s only talking about John Edwards (and Dennis & Callahan).

A blog search on Google shows about twelve blog posts by Boston bloggers in the last twelve hours about Karl Rove. has some quotes from various politicians about Rove’s departure, but there’s nothing very controversial there.

National bloggers are on the case, though, with the Daily Kos presenting a top ten list of reasons Rove really quit. There’s mention of the anti-Christ and Turd Blossom, Rove’s Bush-given nickname. Ah, that’s better.

Liberal bloggers have turned Karl Rove into the face of all that is wrong with the Bush administration—a CIA-agent identity-leaker and the Machiavelli that got Bush re-elected in 2004—and now he’s about to wither away like so many turd blossoms before him. But now that Rove is a well-worn liberal punching bag, shouldn’t the Hub’s bloggers take the chance to knock out some more stuffing?