Spanning the Web
Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.
More harrowing adventures in ganja: Two men in Maine were arrested for breaking a leaf off a marijuana plant that was in the truck of an undercover agent. Perhaps they were going to sell it to these idiots? []
Firefighters and bagpipes always get to us: Paul Cahill was laid to rest today, after a procession through West Roxbury. The funeral for Warren Payne, the other firefighter who died in last week’s fire, will be held tomorrow. [,, Universal Hub, everywhere else]
Lock your doors, Mattapoisett: There’s a fugitive on the loose, apparently with a violent past. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon! [WBZ]
A gift for the BPL: Hey, great! Now they can buy some new computers, or maybe get the smell of urine out of the carpets at the Copley branch, or buy some new classics that aren’t falling out of the binding, or. . . Oh. It’s for maps. Hooray? []
How do you feel now, suckas!? Apple launched a collection of new iPods with WiFi web access, an iPod nano that plays video, and knocked $200 off the price of the iPhone yesterday. We point and laugh because we’re jealous we don’t have iPhones. [WBZ]