What’s News
Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.
Slapfight continues: District Attorney Dan Conley has decided that State Police should investigate murders on the MBTA instead of Boston Police since the Boston homicide unit is “overtaxed.” As per usual, Conley didn’t consult with Boston Police Chief Ed Davis before making the decision. [Herald]
Mmm. Asbestos: A pipe that burst in the financial district yesterday also released asbestos into the air. So if you were nearby and your lungs are all stingy today, that’s why. [Globe]
This just in: Bill Belichick hates the press: Especially after he’s been caught cheating. Tomorrow’s news will be that the sky is blue and the Earth is round. [Herald]
Kids and government: A group of teenagers met with Governor Deval Patrick yesterday to discuss their concerns about violence in their neighborhoods. Kids, don’t you know the State House isn’t any safer? [Globe]
It’s been said many times many ways: We love David Ortiz. [Globe, Herald]