Baby Brady Moynahan’s First Magazine Cover

1190810794It used to be that wise men greeted important babies in barns with frankincense, gold, and myrrh. In these celebrity-crazed modern times, professional photographers greet famous newborns and their parents with stacks of money for a glimpse at their cute little faces. The latest baby to appear on the cover of a magazine is Bridget Moynahan and Tom Brady’s son, in today’s issue of OK! Magazine.

The Inside Track says John Moynahan got “got Daddy’s cleft chin and Mommy’s dark hair,” but we say that baby is almost all Brady. The shape of the eyes, the same set in the face as he does his best to squirm away from the cameras. All John needs is a goat to cuddle to recreate his dad’s GQ photo shoot.

But we don’t love the choice of picture. Yes, Bridget’s a single Mom and her ex is out winning football games and celebrating with the world’s craziest supermodel. But couldn’t OK! have published a picture of the baby and mother smiling? This picture looks more like “Migrant Mother” than the usual happy celebrity baby pictures where both parents are present for the photo shoot. Unless Moynahan was openly weeping for the other pictures, which we doubt, this wasn’t a good choice.

Despite the emo-baby photo, we’d be honored to be spat up upon by the son of our favorite quarterback. Call us if you need a babysitter, Bridget! We’ll even bring some myrrh to celebrate.