What’s News
Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.
Do you like smoking at home? You may want to start quitting now, as the Department of Public Health is looking in to zoning laws that would create smoke-free buildings or floors in condo buildings. [Globe]
House advantage: It seems that the House may be receptive to Governor Deval Patrick’s gambling plan. According to the Herald, 58 percent of the Representatives interviewed support the Governor’s plan or remain on the fence. [Herald]
When he said urban, he didn’t mean in a city: On WBUR yesterday, Governor Patrick said he doesn’t think resort casinos will work in cities, since cities are already too crowded to allow the rolling golf courses and multiple buffets he envisions. [Globe]
GR8: Mega-carrier Verizon Wireless will allow NARAL Pro-Choice America to transmit pro-life text messages on its service, reversing its previous decision. The messages tell pro-lifers when to call their Congressman about abortion legislation. [Globe]
Remember how you complained about bleacher seats? The Red Sox would like to sell you the seats for $550 a pair as they raise money and clear out the last bastion of affordable seating in Fenway Park. While they’re not comfortable, you can brag to your friends about the fine patina of beer that coats your little piece of history. [Herald]