The Last Word
Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.
We sometimes feel bad about eating meat. Then a waitress puts a glorious hamburger in front of us and we forget our moral quandary. Tonight’s Dewar’s Debate centers around the age-old meat vs. veggie issue and is fueled by complimentary Dewar’s.
Richard Russo comes to Coolidge Corner from the wilds of Maine to read from, and sign his new book, Bridge of Sighs.
Why eat dinner when you can overindulge in chocolate instead? Finale hosts a chocolate tasting tonight, featuring two new chocolates presented by Derek Poirier of Valrhona.
Assembly of Dust brings pop-folk to the Roxy tonight. Rock’n’roll, in a mellow way.