How Red Sox Nation Got its Angst Back
In today’s Globe, Brian McGrory laments the loss of angst in Red Sox Nation. He calls our former suffering “our blanket, our source of comfort, our common bond.” Perhaps the paper is trying to replace that old tattered blanket with a new one woven from the threads of fans’ righteous indignation over its vaguely Sox-related coverage.
Yesterday, it was crying poverty. Today, we get the story of the beautiful people who want to be seen at the ballpark.
Believe it or not, some rich and powerful people in Boston can’t get tickets to the World Series. Surely these powerful individuals want tickets to enjoy the last few games of baseball until next spring? In a word: no.
For many, the quest isn’t just about baseball.
“It is probably the ultimate see-and-be-seen experience,” said Lawrence S. DiCara, a lawyer at Nixon Peabody, whose firm owns an undisclosed number of season tickets and has received numerous calls in recent days from clients seeking seats. . . .
“It’s people,” [former Boston city councilor Michael McCormack] said, “who have no interest in baseball, who think it’s an event: ‘We just want to be at the park to be part of the event.’ People are calling who are normally very business-oriented. They just want to chat, but you know what they want. They’re waiting to hear me say, ‘I have two extra tickets – you want them?’ “
“See-and-be-seen?” It’s the f&cking World Series! Fans are black and blue from pinching themselves to see if this glorious time in our sporting history is all a dream, and these people are treating it like a teenage girl treats her Friday trip to the mall. “Like, OMG, I wonder if Dan Conley is going to be there?!”
Those of you who have tickets and are going to talk business while the rest of New England chugs Maalox and prays don’t deserve them. While the 2007 Red Sox may lack the loser narrative that McGrory misses, those of us who’ve been watching since April have seen a story of new talent coming into its own. But it will be the disinterested rich and powerful who will be there to watch how the this year’s story ends. Yeah, we got our angst back. Thanks Globe.