Spanning the Web
Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.
It’s official, Sox fans: Dustin Pedroia won the AL Rookie of the Year award, much to the surprise of no one. Not only that, but the second baseman played the last two months of the season with a broken bone. God, we love that tenacious little guy. [WCVB]
The only thing less thrilling than your commute is reading about someone else’s: The Globe plays boats, trains, and automobiles to see how long it takes four staffers from Cohasset to Post Office Square. Its conclusion? Commuting sucks. Thanks, guys. [Globe]
Dreaming of a white Veterans Day? So is Boston’s oldies station. WODS launched its all-Christmas format this morning, creating legions of Scrooges who will be ready to rupture their eardrums with a pencil by the end of November rather than hear “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” again. [WBZ via Universal Hub]
It sucks to live in Somerville, part 789: NStar assures Somerville residents a recent series of gas leaks posed no risk to their health. We haven’t taken a science class since the late ’90s, but gas is still flammable and explosive, right? [Somerville Journal]