Boston’s Bringing Sexy to America

1195057214Maybe Jessica Simpson was on to a national trend when she said she wanted to date a guy from Boston. A little more than a week after her nonsensical declaration, People magazine revealed that hometown hottie Matt Damon is its Sexiest Man Alive for 2007. But he’s not the only guy from the Boston area that made the hearts of People’s editors race.

Chris Piela, a Boston native who recently moved to Georgia, was voted Sexiest Fan Alive by People’s readers. It wasn’t an easy feat for the Sox fan—there was a field of 2,000 other handsome sports buffs looking to capture the title. Not only can Piela add Sexiest Fan Alive to his resume, but he and his wife (damn) may be able to attend next year’s World Series for free.

Maybe the Sexiest Fan will run into the Sexiest Man at the Fall Classic. We’re glad the editors finally realized that Damon is hotness personified, instead of giving the title to George Clooney for a third time. Especially when you hear that Damon actually turned down the honor.

She also revealed an unusual turn of events for People: When Damon learned he was chosen — he turned them down! Damon wrote People a “fabulous” letter explaining that he doesn’t normally talk about his personal life. He said he was blushing when he read that he had been picked. While he got a huge kick out of the nod, he didn’t feel worthy, he said. “You just gave an aging suburban dad ego boost of a lifetime,” he wrote.

That thump you heard was just us falling out of our chairs in a swoon. We’ll be fine.

Or not:

Meanwhile, who does Damon think should be named Sexiest Man Alive? In his letter to People, the actor suggested New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Brady’s response? “Matt and I always argue about who’s sexier!”

Boys, boys. You’re both pretty. But if you’d like to prove it by modeling underwear, we wouldn’t mind judging that contest.