Spanning the Web
Taking you around the internet for your afternoon enjoyment.
Dude, I’m so high. Let’s go to the police station: Two teenagers in Worcester were arrested after they tried to get a sales permit from the police station while stinking of pot. The stoner who drove them to the station had a suspended license, and there were several cans of beer in the car. Next time, stay home and play Guitar Hero. []
This is why we shop online: A shopper at the Natick Collection was arrested after he got sick of dealing with parking lot traffic, jumped the curb, and started driving across the landscaping. [WCVB]
Aww, pretty: In case you’ve been chained to your cubicle all day, it’s been snowing. It’s beautiful and festive and will probably make our commute a nightmare. []
It wasn’t a problem unless your kid looks like Conan, that is: Church officials met with parents who were angry their children were allowed to go on trips chaperoned by Father David Ajemian, given his mental health problems. The Archdiocese says it wasn’t a problem because he wasn’t into little boys “There has never been the suggestion that Fr. Ajemian’s presence in the parish would constitute even the slightest risk to young people. . . . .” [WHDH]