The Last Word
Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.
No matter how well the Patriots do, we still miss baseball. Thankfully, the Official 2007 World Series DVD will be screened at the Wang Theater tonight. Even non-fans can be entertained as we squirm and hide our eyes during the tense moments, even though we know it all turns out fine.
We know you’ve at least tried to be good and spend your money on others as you begin your holiday shopping. Take tonight to treat yourself to 30 percent off the men’s and women’s collections at Riccardi.
If you ate so much pie that shopping alone cannot undo the damage, head to the Scottish Country Dance class in Medford for some physical activity set to the soundtrack of live Scottish music.
Or you can just wait until the new year to work off your aunt’s great pumpkin pie. Sharks 3D at the New England Aquarium is a great way to get a change of scene, and avoid too much physical exertion.