More on Eisenberg

1196716587We’re beginning to get a clearer picture of Leeland Eisenberg, the troubled man who held Clinton staffers hostage in New Hampshire last week. Eisenberg’s stepson, Benjamin Warren, told the media this weekend that his stepfather had been drinking for 72 hours straight and thought Hillary Clinton would help him get the psychiatric help he needed. In a twisted way, she did. Kind of.

By terrorizing Clinton staffers and forcing New Hampshire prosecutors to look tough, Eisenberg will probably have a better shot at getting the treatment he needs.

Randy Hawkes, Eisenberg’s attorney, said that last week Eisenberg heard voices and saw a movie in his head telling him that he had to “sacrifice himself to bring the issue forward.”

“It is clear that Mr. Eisenberg’s actions were that of a desperate man trying to draw attention to his own situation and to the plight of people everywhere who seek, but cannot find treatment for psychological issues. It seems unfortunate that he must get that assistance through the criminal justice system,” Hawkes said.

While the New Hampshire prosecutor claims that he’s just faking his mental health problems, Eisenberg has had 30 years of criminal activity, ranging from rape and burglary. He also filed a lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Boston, alleging a priest molested him.

But the judge who set his bail at $500,000 at today’s indictment will see to it that Eisenberg gets treatment.

“I want to make sure that this man doesn’t go anywhere until he is dealt with properly,” Rochester District Court Judge Daniel Cappiello said.

As sad as it is, Eisenberg’s booze-fueled plan to get help for himself seems to have worked. He’ll get the treatment he needs from the state, and the talking heads will endlessly debate whether the psychological services available to the poor or to ex-cons are good enough. We’re not advocating that everyone with an ax to grind should commit a bizarre crime, but we’re glad the poor guy is getting some care.