The Last Word
Your long day of corporate drudgery is over. Get out and enjoy the city! Here are a few ideas to get you started, lovingly picked by Boston Daily.
Wines from countries like Spain and Australia have been all the rage lately. Kick it old-school by enjoying some French wine at Tour de France: Les vins de France, en Francais. Yes, the class is conducted entirely in French, but everyone can understand “camembert” and “Champagne,” right?
It’s a good day when satisfying our urge to shop also helps those in need. Bloomingdale’s Shopping Benefit supports 40 local nonprofits and gives shoppers additional discounts on their purchases.
And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany’s? You say we both kinda liked it, but how did you feel about Deep Blue Something? The 90s band best known for its hit song about the classic movie plays TT the Bear’s tonight.
The most amazing film we’ve seen featuring the work of Daft Punk is “Daft Hands.” That could change tonight as the duo’s film Electroma opens at the Brattle Theater.