Best. Headline. Ever

On our travels around the internet earlier this week, we noticed an icon on’s ticker that looked like a t-shirt. Clicking it allows news geeks to order the inane headline du jour printed on a custom-made t-shirt. Really.

1209753879We didn’t see the usefulness of this technology until we traveled back to this afternoon. As we scrolled down the page, we saw the finest headline we’ve ever laid eyes upon.

Powdered cocaine not just for white yuppies anymore.”

Those who were concerned that their recreational drug choices were too white-bred can now rest easy—even people of different ethnicities are doing coke too!

Long portrayed as a white crime, Hispanics now make up the overwhelming majority — 60 percent — of federal offenders facing powder cocaine charges.

News headline t-shirts and multicultural drug use. We’ve never been prouder to be Americans than we are right now.