New Kid Finds Hanging With Hannah Montana Tough

Back in the early 90’s, the late comedian Bill Hicks did a bit about New Kids on the Block in his routine. To sum it up in an extremely sanitized way, he accused Joey, Jordan, Jonathan, Donnie, and Danny of being in league with the devil and not playing from their heart. (The NSFWV version is here.)

It seems that NKOTB member Donnie Wahlberg may feel the same way about the new generation of tween pop stars. has a video of Wahlberg dissing Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. [via WCVB]

Wahlberg tells the paparazzi “I’m not excited, but I’m ready” for a concert the New Kids are playing with the Disney star and her fellow teen rock cohorts.

We don’t quite understand why Wahlberg is so negative. The mania around Hannah Montana has reached, or exceeded, the pandemonium the New Kids inspired back in their salad days. By performing alongside today’s teen heartthrobs, the aging pop stars can find a new fan base, which they’ll need now that their new single “Summertime” has been released on iTunes.

Even if Wahlberg finds performing with the teenagers beneath him, he should watch what he says. Those Hannah Montana fans are going to be the ones taking care of him in the nursing home someday, and they don’t forgive slights against their favorite stars very easily.