Menino Goes Mac

1210782269Boston Daily just got back from a press preview of the spacious Boylston Street Apple Store, which opens tomorrow at 6 p.m. The Fenway Park-inspired facade has been removed, revealing the controversial three-floor glass building that is the largest Apple Store in the United States.

Apple Senior Vice President of Retail Ron Johnson said a few words about the store’s design and educational offerings, and then made way for Mayor Tom Menino to enthuse about the new store.

“It looks much better than what was here before,” Menino said of the store that sits on the space that was once a Copy Cop. He was particularly enamored with the company’s commitment to teaching kids in the community how to use computers, and the environmentally-friendly building.

1210782346Once his remarks were over, Menino took a tour of the new store. As he surveyed the iPods on the second floor, we asked Hizzoner if he’s a Mac guy.

“Yeah, I have one,” he said.

What kind?

“I don’t know.” When pressed, he said it was a laptop. (Spokeswoman Dot Joyce said she thinks the mayor’s wife is the tech-savvy member of the Menino household.)

Hizzoner did say that he enjoys using his iPod when walking around or riding his infamous bike, and that his wife uses the music player to soothe her nerves when flying. But how to the Mayor’s musical tastes run?

“I listen to music that I can understand the words to.”

Supply your own punch line.