Weekend Redux: What You Missed

Just because you spent all weekend trying not to get burned by errant fireworks doesn’t mean the world stopped moving. We round up the notable stories you missed.

America! WHOO!

Despite all the jingoism that comes with the Fourth of July, it seems that the rest of the world continues to use the United States as its own personal Filene’s Basement, not only for laptops, but also college educations.

And in more depressing news, the holiday was a deadly one around the city, with someone getting beaten to death in a park near Faneuil Hall and a 17-year-old boy who was fatally shot at a cookout in Hyde Park.

It sure was a violent couple of days.

[S]even people were shot in Boston, two fatally, in four separate shootings during an eight-hour stretch from Friday evening to early yesterday morning. Touching four of the city’s neighborhoods, the night ranked among the bloodiest in the last several years, and the concentration of violence unnerved neighbors, alarmed police and city leaders, and raised fears of a grim summer marred by escalating reprisals.

But that wasn’t the only senseless violence in the area. Police say a man from New York was attacked in Falmouth because his car had New York plates, and the idiots who allegedly beat him thought he was a Yankees fan.

It’s too bad we can’t all just pack up and head for Lake Winnipesaukee to soothe the city’s frayed nerves. With all the “Adirondack castles” that are sprouting up along the shores, there’s probably room for everyone.