The Single Person’s Fiscal Lament

1221493410Couples are having a hard time dealing with the financial crisis. One member of the family wants to buy stocks while they’re practically worthless in the hopes of striking it rich on the next upswing, while their significant other feels the urge to load up on canned goods.

As a single person, it’s hard for me to work up much sympathy for these feuding couples.

As outlined here, society hasn’t caught up with the large number of unmarried people. The tax system still favors couples. Married people earn more, have a better chance at getting a house (once the credit markets start working again), and can divide expenses.

Then there are the psychological benefits of knowing someone is in this mess with you. When couples pay their bills, they can commiserate about the ever-increasing cost of living. The only company us single-folk have is from our good friend, Sam Adams. We’re in it together Sam!