Mitt Romney's Wins: Florida … and Secret Service Protection
Mitt Romney’s Wins: Florida and Secret Service Protection. After a few weeks of things not really going Romney’s way, two things have fallen into place this week that show he’s kind of a big deal: a commanding win yesterday in Florida … and protection from the Secret Service. He’s getting presidential-level protection not because of a specific threat, but because his campaign events are getting larger and larger — oh, and because his campaign kind of asked for it (according to some sources) or didn’t (according to others). [Washington Post | ABC]
R.I.P. Kevin White. This morning, White’s funeral procession will begin at the Parkman House on Beacon Hill and make its way through downtown and the Back Bay. [CBS]
Who Knew Replacing the Greenway Carousel Could Be So Divisive? “To anybody out there, this makes no sense whatsoever. You’re looking at what would be a costly and risky venture replacing a guaranteed revenue stream,” says state Rep. Peter Durant (R-Spencer), who must realize he seems a bit silly talking about a carousel as a guaranteed revenue stream. But Jesse Brackenbury, the Greenway’s business operations director, had this to say: “The reason that we do it is not because it brings revenue in, but because it brings joy to the children.” [Herald]
Leave It To State Minority Leaders to Make Stupid Friendly Wagers. Yesterday we lauded Menino and Michael Bloomberg for showing some creativity with their friendly Super Bowl/Super Tour bet, but we spoke too soon when we assumed it meant there wouldn’t be any more lame-o bets between New York and New England leading up to the Super Bowl. We were wrong. Massachusetts House minority leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and New York State Assembly minority leader Brian Kolb decided to get creative, make a few boring statements, issue a news release, and put on the table some Mike’s Pastry cannoli, Legal Sea Foods chowder, New York cheesecake, and wine from the Finger Lakes. Jones and Kolb, this INTENSE COLLECTIVE EYE ROLL is for you. [Patch]
Public Garden Ducklings Become Gronklings! Our beloved “Make Way for Ducklings” statues picked their favorite Pats player and are now sporting T-shirts in support of Gronk. We love this, and we love the anonymous fan behind this. Kudos. [Boston Tweet]