What Ann Romney Really Said About Wealth

Ann Romney ‘I Don’t Consider Myself Wealthy’ Gaffe Not Really a Gaffe. Yesterday’s “I don’t consider myself wealthy” firestorm was the result of selective editing by Think Progress. Romney does say “I don’t even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing” — which kind of sounds like it’s worthy of a jaw-drop/eyeroll/collective sigh — but taken in the broader context of her statement, she’s talking about defining monetary wealth vs. other kinds of wealth (and says she’s been forced to realize the difference due to her battle with M.S.). Now, if “wealthy” were replaced by “rich,” then it’d be a different story. [Washington Post]

Super Tuesday: No Knockout Expected, But Mitt Romney Will Gain Momentum. Those are the predictions for today’s 10 contests, which will award more delegates than all of the previous contests combined. [CBS]

Feel Good Story: Dan Mosher Loves Being a Chauffeur for Nobel Laureates. Today, Mosher will chauffeur MIT professor Robert Merton. But to Mosher, it’s more than just giving someone a ride — it’s giving his 10th Nobel Laureate a ride. “These are the real heroes that kind of get brushed to the back a little bit compared to a Kevin Garnett or a Paul Pierce [of the Boston Celtics] or some of the guys from the Patriots,’’ said Mosher, who, as part of his gig, gets to sit in on the laureates’ lectures and talks. “Don’t get me wrong, they do a lot of good stuff for young sick kids, but these guys here are trying to cure cancer or ALS disease and explain the universe to us and proving to us that electrons and protons and neutrons are made up of these quark things. Just stuff that I never studied in science.’’ [Globe]

A Call to Bring the Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Memorial to Brookline. Tom Mountain has a guest post over on Wicked Local calling on Brookline officials to ask the state for a visit from the Fallen Heroes Memorial, which debuted last week in Newton. The memorial is a moving (and roving) tribute to the Massachusetts troops who died in conflict in the Middle East. The schedule for the rest of the memorial’s is not set, but let’s hope it visits Boston, too. [Wicked Local]

Celtics Dealing Rajon Rondo? Fail. And the defense of Rajon Rondo keeps pouring in. [Yahoo]