Red Sox: Valued at $1 Billion, The Third Most-Valued Team in MLB

Red Sox: Valued at $1 Billion, The Third Most-Valued Team in MLB. That’s according to Forbes, which just released the Business of Baseball 2012, and effectively has us all kinds of ready for Opening Day. [Forbes]

The Ass Backwards Approach to Boston’s Innovation District, Which Seems to Be Working. As we all know, Menino declared a section of the South Boston Waterfront as the city’s Innovation District, and so it was. Or, at least, so it’s becoming. “While most neighborhoods get their names from the existing character of the area, say, Chinatown or the Financial District, here [Boston] chose a name — perhaps even a brand — to attract the kind of community it hopes to build,” writes Venessa Wong, who also interviewed a few people who didn’t even know about the Innovation District while they were standing smack in the middle of it. [Bloomberg Business Week]

March Madness Has Officially Landed in Boston. … as well as a shiny parquet floor. [NECN]

Rick Santorum Kinda Looks Like a Natural With an Etch a Sketch in Hand. “You take whatever [Mitt Romney] said and you can shake it up and it will be gone and he’s going to draw a whole new picture for the general election,” said Santorum, a grown man with aspirations of being the leader of the United States of America, while hoisting a children’s toy for a crowd in Louisiana. “Well that should be comforting to all of you who are voting in this primary.” [NYT]

Heat Wave Means One Thing: Beware of Forest Fires. The heat wave means a few things, actually, but the most pressing is that this season could be one of the worst for forest fires in recent memory. “What we’re seeing now has the potential to make the perfect storm,’’says Stephen D. Coan, the state’s fire marshal. “There are all the elements: the lack of a solid snowpack, all the debris from the natural disasters, and the historic high temperatures.’’ []