50 Boston Salaries More Than $50,000
50 Salaries in Boston More Than $50,000. So this should probably be called “50 Salaries in Boston Well More Than $50,000″ because Tom Brady’s $15.2 million should never appear on the same list that includes a Boston Postal Service clerk ($52,830). [Boston Business Journal]
The No. 1 Reason Why Boston Just Got Some Class Back. David Portnoy seems to be making like the moshes and taking his cesspool of Barstool Sports Blackout parties elsewhere — to Worcester! [Herald]
Remembering the Boston Busing Crisis, Four Decades Later. “They started throwing golf balls, bricks at the bus,” says Milford Jenkins, who was a freshman at South Boston High School at the time. “It was so much noise, calling you spearchucker, [saying] go back to Africa, we don’t want you over here. I remember that, I remember that.” Christine Boseman, a freshman at Roslindale High School, recalls: “It was chaos. So, when us as kids got in school, honestly, we continued to fight. We defended ourselves, and that’s the way we had to go to school for a while, was to defend ourselves, mentally and physically. Every day, every day. Inside, outside.” [WBUR]
Massachusetts Health Care Law Could Face Challenges If National Law Struck Down. Many challengers of the federal law also believe that state mandates would be unconstitutional, according to George Washington University law professor Jeffrey Rosen. [Boston.com]
Deval Patrick: ‘I Think the Herald is in the Business of Making Sure You’re Angry.’ Touché, Gov. Touché. [Herald]