Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren Release Tax Returns

Scott Brown Releases Tax Returns, Reported 2011 Income of $510,856. This morning, Scott Brown released six years of tax returns after a request from the Globe and pressure from pretty much everyone who wanted a peek of this political measuring stick. For the most recent tax year, 2011, Brown and his wife, Gail Huff, reported a total income of $510,856. A summary provided to reporters by the Brown campaign showed a combined income of $357,000 in 2006; $276,000 in 2007; $288,000 in 2008; $294,000 in 2009; $840,000 in 2010; and $511,000 in 2011. []

Elizabeth Warren Releases Tax Returns, Reported 2011 Income of $616,181. Following up on the Brown/Warren tax return game of cat and mouse, Warren released four years of her tax returns this morning, too. For 2011, Warren and husband Bruce Mann reported a total income of $616,181. They also reported $831,021 in 2008; $980,670 in 2009; and $954,721 in 2010. []

Does Elizabeth Warren Have Native American Roots? No one’s really sure except for Harvard Law back in the 90’s, which touted Warren’s Native American heritage amid criticism that the school only employed a bunch of white men. But Warren hasn’t mentioned her Cherokee or Delaware tribe lineage all that much on the campaign trail. Last night, Warren’s strategist Kyle Sullivan rebuffed with the oral history defense: “Like most Americans, Elizabeth learned of her heritage through conversations with her grandparents, her parents, and her aunts and uncles.” [Herald]

Boston University President Talks About Disastrous Incidents Without Saying Much. “We want to make sure they’re getting the facts accurately,’’ BU president Robert Brown said of incoming students (and their families) as they respond to the incidents that have plagued the campus in recent weeks. “You know, I’m a scientist. The facts are what they are.” Then: “These issues have been very serious, but none of them have been at the core of the student experience.” And there you have it. []

Boston is Third-Most Walkable City in the United States. But some of the more populated neighborhoods happen to be the least walkable. [Walkscore]

Show of Hands Vote Leaves Cats in Concord off the Hook. And off the leash. [CBS]