Harvard Business School's Class of 1986: Who's Getting Laid and Who's On a Boat

At their 25th reunion, alumni filled out an 85-question survey to give former classmates an idea of how far they’ve come since graduation. Dealbreaker published a hysterical list of results that reveal some interesting (embarrassing?) facts about the class. Example:

Ninety-seven percent of them are getting laid on the reg. Just 3 percent of the alums say they want more sex. The highest priorities? Time (31 percent), health (18 percent), and peace of mind (13 percent). (Poets&Quants, which obtained the results of the survey, interpreted the above as being indication that ‘sex isn’t a very high priority for the Class of 1986.’ Though couldn’t it just as easily be indication that they’re getting enough already, figuring asking for 6 times/day instead of 5 would be greedy?)”

Read on to find out what a Harvard business degree will get you (hint: shoes and boats).  [Dealbreaker]