Let's Play 'Guess Tomorrow's Herald Cover Pun'

When Trojan took their weird hot dog carts to New York to bestow free vibrators on the masses, the local tabloids made more puns than your average Carrie Bradshaw sex column. And so, under the right conditions (a slow news day) one could see today’s Trojan giveaway in Boston making for an epic cover in the analogous Boston Herald Tuesday morning. That means it’s time for everyone’s favorite game: Guess the bad pun that makes it onto tomorrow’s front page. We’ll get you started with a few of our own attempts:

1. All Shook Up.

2. Good Vibrations.

3. Buzz off.

4. Toy Story 4.

5. Shake, rattle, and roll.

Feel free to leave better guesses in the comments. If you guess right, eternal glory will be yours.

Update: It is with some humility that we note that the Herald found something other than the giveaway to put on their cover today.