The Celtics Are :(

Jeff Green and Avery Bradley still wish they were playing.

The Miami Heat and Indiana Pacers tipped off the NBA’s Eastern Conference Finals last night and, among the hundreds of thousands watching nationwide, were Celtics Avery Bradley and Jeff Green. After a particularly impressive LeBron James drive toward the end of the game, Green tweeted:

To which Bradley replied:

Seriously, right? It’s a huge bummer that the Celtics were eliminated in the first round, beyond anything even that words could express. That’s probably why Green responded in emoji: tweet

Tragically, Green deleted the tweet, which is why the emoji just now appears as a box. While it’s possible that a 13-year-old girl temporarily hacked his account and he just wanted to clear the record, it seems more likely that he was just a wee bit embarrassed. But nothing to be ashamed of here, Jeff! [Update: The tweet still exists—I just didn’t see it for some inexplicable reason and was confused because the emoji still comes up as a box. It’s good to know that Green has no shame in tweeting like a teenage girl. Rock on, Jeff.] I’m pretty sure this is the emoji he used:


There was, of course, only one way for Avery Bradley to reply: